Chris Smith | The system to open and close sales calls.

This document outlines two of the most impactful components of a sales call – how to start a call strong and how to end a call strong. By following and modeling these scripts, you can dramatically increase your closing ratios.

System Architect: Chris Smith
Generated as part of the

System Details

Part 1 – Opening Strong

Step 1: Follow the 3 critical components of successful sales calls.

  • Speed
    • If you attempt phone contact within 5 minutes after lead submission, the odds that the lead is contacted are 100 times greater than if it is contacted 30 minutes after the submission.
  • Tenacity
    • When a lead is not answering your call, immediately dial a second time right after the first and you will get 22-25% more answer rate.
    • If you call a lead once, even within the first 5 minutes, you have a 48% contact rate. If you call additional 5 times over a 3 day period, you can get 93% contact rate.
    • Differentiate your methods – every lead gets call, text, email.
    • Best times to call: middle of the week (Wednesday, Thursday), between 8 am and 10 am, and between 4 pm and 6 pm.
  • Script
    • Gain control of the call early by perfecting your first minute. If you can set the tone within the first minute, then you are in charge on this call.
      • “Hey this is XXX, calling from XXX. I see your working at XXX and you’re looking at using our services. Can you please grab a pen and paper since I’m going to share some information about what we do that isn’t on the internet – please let me know when you’re ready.”

Step 2: Pre-call preparation – set yourself up for the call.

  • When you’re calling a lead, investigate to get information about them. You need to make yourself liked and trusted.
    • Suggestion! Instead of Googling a prospect’s name, search for their email to dramatically narrow the results.
  • Use tools like Charlie App to speed up this process.

Step 3: Handling brick wall statements by acknowledging, responding and then pivoting.

  • Acknowledge – repeat the question you got from the lead.
  • Respond – give a reply but don’t give the information they require.
  • Pivot – get back to what you want to talk about.
    • For example:
      Prospect: “Well I just want to know how much your <products/services> are.”
      Acknowledge: “Oh great question, so you just want to know how much our <products/services> are.”
      Respond: “Our <product/service> isn’t inexpensive... <product/service> isn’t for everyone…”
      Pivot: “Are you <one type or lead> or <another type of lead>?”

Part 2 – Closing Strong

Step 1: Identify 4-6 features + benefits and tie downs

  • Here’s one Feature of working with me, here’s the Benefit of that feature for you, do you agree there’s a benefit? Or is that interesting to you?

Step 2: Script the transitioning closing statement.

  • At the end of listing the features, benefits and tie downs, tell the prospect “Ok great, here’s what happens next... I’m going get <insert next step>… and I’ll start <insert another step>.

Step 3: Use a trial close.

  • Ask them a question about the next steps, assuming they’re going ahead – this is not a “Yes or No” question but rather an “Either/Or” question.
    • Example: Is this better for you in the morning or early in the evening?

Step 4: Make the final close.

  • Give two last choices about when they’re starting with your product or service.
    • Example: Would you prefer your coaching on a Tuesday or a Thursday.


Supporting Notes

To get the sales scripts Chris mentioned in his session simply:
#1. Buy his book: The Conversion Code: Capture Internet Leads, Create Quality Appointments, Close More Sales 
#2. Email the receipt to
