Pete Nicholls | A system to identify your delighted and disgruntled clients (NPS score)

This document explains the Net Promoter System® (NPS) and how it can be used to identify your delighted clients allowing you to get more referrals and also identifying your disgruntled ones so you can look to improve their experience.

Build a thriving customer-driven company by measuring your NPS – as loved by Disney, Lego, Qantas and much more.


System Architect: Pete Nicholls


Generated as part of the

System Details

Step 1: Send your clients a one question survey following the – Net Promoter System® (NPS).

  • is recommended because it is optimized for NPS (alternatives include: SurveyMonkey and Salesforce)
  • Use one-question survey to your customers. Use a scale and ask them to rate the purchase they made from you.
    • On a scale of 0 to 10 how likely are you to recommend (or refer) us to a friend?
      • Make sure to use numbers 0-10 (and not 0-5) to better segment the audience. ‘Friend’ is a positive keyword and motivator.
  • After your customer rates you, ask them to comment their rating.
    • For example, tell us a bit more about why you chose 9.

Step 2: Identify who are you going to survey

  • Identify those customers who have had a recent experience – within the last 6 months. Keep it small – between 200 and 250 for the first survey.
  • Export the data to a spreadsheet – to use later for segmentation.

Step 3: Send out the survey to your selected group

  • Suggestion! Send between 6am and 9am, Mondays or Tuesdays to get a good return.

​​​​​Step 4: Calculate your Net Promoter System® (NPS) score

  • Setup and format a spreadsheet with the data from your survey.
    • Name, Email, Segment
      • Segmentation examples: Male or Female, location (state, town).
  • Classify all those who respond into one of 3 groups:
    • Promoter: score of 9 or 10.
      • These are people who love your products and services and who will be your advocates.
    • Passive: score of 7 or 8.
      • These people are on the fence so think of ways to motivate them. The greatest ROI (Return On Investment) is to move people from Passive to Promoter.
    • Detractor: score of 6 or below.
      • Decide whether this is someone who is genuinely upset, or just not a good fit for your business. Are they your target market? If so, you may have something to fix.
  • Count the responses – add up the number of responses provided for each score.
  • Group the responses – add up the total number of responses provided for each group.
  • Calculate your NPS – subtract the percentage of Detractors from the percentage of Promoters. The result is your NPS number (it is not a percentage).
  • Track your NPS over time – your numerical NPS allows you to quantify how changes you make to your product affect the customer experience over time.

Step 5: Respond to your survey respondants

  • Respond to Promoters:
    • Send a quick personal “Thank you”.
    • Ask for permission to share.
    • Share this with your staff for motivation.
    • Brainstorm a VIP program based on the feedback.
  • Respond to Passives:
    • Send a quick personal “Thank you”.
    • Look for opportunities to turn passives into promoters.
  • Respond to Detractors:
    • Reply within 2 hours (24 hours max).
    • Send a quick personal “Thank you”.
    • Deal with any urgent matters that they’ve raised.
    • Identify keepers vs. bad fit, move on.

Step 6: Bridge the gap

  • Inner loop – meet internally to discuss the results.
  • Look at what’s broken: was it people, process or product?
  • Corrective action requests to track through things that you fix.
  • Take ongoing NPS scores to check that you are improving your results.
  • Add feedback to your customers database (CRM) and build your customer relationships.


Supporting Notes

The journey to customer delight.

The diagram below shows the flow of people that connect with your business. From strangers to advocates, it’s important to understand each of the stages and the ones inbetween.

Remember, happy customers will introduce more strangers to your business through word of mouth and the process starts again but conversely unhappy customers cause harm to this process. If you’re receiving negative reviews, you need to change the way you’re delivering your products/services to ensure you get a good flow.

Follow the customer delight process:

  • Attract Strangers and turn them into Visitors (use blog, social media, keywords, pages).
  • Connect with Visitors and turn them into Leads (use calls-to-action, landing pages, forms, contacts).
  • Engage Leads and turn them into Customers (use emails, workflows, lead scoring, CRM integrations).
  • Delight your Customers and turn them into Advocates (use social media, smart calls-to-action, email, workflows).


Check out Pete Nichols’ NPS implementation offer here:
