This system goes through the entire administrative portion of a website build; from sales to accounts to project management and completion.
This process can move more quickly or slowly depending on the speed of the client’s responses/feedback.
System Architect: Melbourne SEO Services
Generated as part of the
Sales Handover
Sales Team
- When a new client is ready to start a website build, the sales team member will CC Accounts using the Email 1: Sales Person Handover Template below.
- Please ensure you also include any relevant notes (if applicable) in that email that may be helpful for the team after you’ve handed this client over to the Operations Team.
Initial Phase – Admin & On-boarding (Week 1)
Accounts Team
- Taking the information from the sales person’s handover email, prepare the initial invoice to be sent to the client.
- Once the invoice has been created, “reply all” to the sales person’s email and paste in the Email 2: Invoice, questionnaire and expectations Template
- Now set up the Client Workspace in Asana (if not already there) by duplicating this Master Template Workspace and complete the Workspace business name, client name, URL, contact and and account notes, as appropriate.
- Once that’s done, go to the ‘Tasks to Duplicate’ workspace in the Clients Projects section of Asana and duplicate the Master Website Build Task Template then drag it to the Client’s Workspace you set up in #3 above.
- Once the payment & questionnaire are completed, if the client doesn’t already have a folder in our Dropbox, duplicate the Dropbox Client Folder Template to create a new client folder and rename the folder the client’s URL (eg. .
- Save the Questionnaire as a PDF, ensuring you add – CLIENT NAME WEBSITE BUILD DDMMYY to the end of the file name (WHY? We have clients who use multiples services and this keeps the questionnaires from getting lost in their Dropbox folder).
- Upload the Questionnaire (PDF) to the Client Info folder (a subfolder of the overall client folder you duplicated), then copy the link to the PDF
- Paste the Questionnaire (PDF) link into the “Client Info” step in the description of the Website Build Task that’s now in the client’s workspace.
- Also paste in any additional notes that you have in the “Additional Notes” section in the ‘mother’ Website Build Task, if applicable.
- Upload the Questionnaire (PDF) to the Client Info folder (a subfolder of the overall client folder you duplicated), then copy the link to the PDF
- Tick off the “Accounts to send invoice, questionnaire + expectations” subtask as completed.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Work doesn't start until client has paid their deposit
- Assign the ‘mother thread’ of Website Build Task to the Project Manager and make a comment letting them know the questionnaire has been received and payment made – so the work can start.
Operations Team (Web Build)
- The Project Manager will now self-assign (or the relevant team member) the task “Project Manager: Review initial checklist + set start date” with a due date less than 2 business days from the current date.
- Review the initial checklist in that subtask and make note of any missing information, need for clarification, and so on.
- Confirm main URL – or suggest if none already chosen
- Confirm domain, hosting & FTP details – or suggest if none available. Hosting must be organized prior to commencing the build.
- Confirm keywords / phrases
- Confirm all content & images have been supplied.
- IF APPLICABLE: Assign set up of hosting, logo design, content writing, additional pages or special features quotations.
- Check with the Senior Web Tech to ensure the Official Start Date you want to set will work for their team.
- Confirm main URL – or suggest if none already chosen
- Go to the Comms Thread in the Client’s Workspace, and create a new subtask using the Email 3 (questions or info + start date) Template. Edit and/or complete any information within the email body and assign to the Support team to email to the client.
- Now go into the ‘mother’ Website Build thread and enter the Start Date into the Commencement Date section in the description.
- In the “Target Completion Date” section add 2 months onto the Start Date and enter that date there.
- Now go into the ‘mother’ Website Build thread and enter the Start Date into the Commencement Date section in the description.
- Go to the Comms thread in Asana and assign the first weekly update to the Support Team, setting the due date for the first Friday that comes after when the client's project officially starts.
- If the client has selected the option to share content/images/info via a Shared Dropbox created by us, go to the main MSS Dropbox dashboard and create a folder called x.clientname-melbSEO-shared and then share the folder with them (so they can edit/add/delete info within it).
- If you share a Dropbox folder with the client, ensure you paste in the Email Template - Dropbox Template - Shared Folder (how to name saved files) so the client understands how to add and name files for easy reference for the team.
- If you forgot or didn’t add that into the sharing message, get the Support Team to send the template as an additional email to the client, via the comms thread.
- If you share a Dropbox folder with the client, ensure you paste in the Email Template - Dropbox Template - Shared Folder (how to name saved files) so the client understands how to add and name files for easy reference for the team.
- Once all logins, content & images have been provided – commence the next phase below.
Phase 1 - Theme & Staging Site Setup (Week 2)
Operations Team (Web Build)
- The Project Manager will now assign the ‘Initial Theme Research’ task to the appropriate team member, with an appropriate due date (ideally no more than 3 business days)
- If the client has already selected a theme, this step can be skipped and you will go to Step #3 below.
- If the client has already selected a theme, this step can be skipped and you will go to Step #3 below.
- Once the team member has completed their theme research, the Project Manager will create a new subtask in Client Comms thread and paste in the Email 4 (Select a Theme) Template, edit/adjust the information accordingly, and assign a Support team member to send it to the client.
- Once the client has advised the theme they want, it’s now time to Purchase the Theme. The Project Manager will assign the ‘Purchase WP Theme’ task to either themselves or the appropriate supervisor for purchase and follow the below steps:
- We do the following process to ensure we can hand over the theme ownership so they have access to their own Theme License for future updates and support from the Theme creators. This means we'll need to purchase it on their behalf once a theme has been selected.
- If the client has an account where the Theme is for sale, obtain their logins and make the purchase.
--- Note: You may have to obtain payment information from Accounts in order to 'load' credits or balances into the account to make the purchase.
- If the client doesn't have an account where the chosen Theme is for sale:
>> Create a Gmail account using the client's name as the email, eg. and make note of all the login credentials and passwords in the appropriate Asana thread.
>> Create the Theme account using the Gmail account you created. Make note of the login credentials and passwords in the appropriate Asana thread.
>> Login to the account and make the purchase.
--- Note: You may have to obtain payment information from Accounts in order to 'load' credits or balances into the account to make the purchase.
Do not share these logins with the client until they have paid their balance invoice (project completion)
- If the client has an account where the Theme is for sale, obtain their logins and make the purchase.
- We do the following process to ensure we can hand over the theme ownership so they have access to their own Theme License for future updates and support from the Theme creators. This means we'll need to purchase it on their behalf once a theme has been selected.
- Once the theme is purchased, the Project Manager will assign the ‘Setup: Create Staging Site’ task to the appropriate team member, including the Theme account login details (and generic Gmail logins if applicable) to the web build team member so they can access the theme and relevant license information.
Note, this can take up to 2 weeks to complete depending on the volume of content, pages, images and instructions required to do the initial customisation.
Phase 2 - Customisation (Weeks 3 - 5)
Operations Team (Web Build)
- Because the initial set up can take more than week, if applicable, the Project Manager will create a new subtask and assign to the Support team (or add in the weekly Friday comms if appropriate) pasting in the Email ‘Staging Site Being Set Up’ Template just to let the client know works are underway.
You can watch the video below “Website Build Feedback Comms Process” to learn a bit more about the process of requesting feedback from the client and giving that to the team in the relevant thread.
- Once the staging site and initial customisation is done, the Project Manager will create a new subtask in the client comms thread and assign to the Support team (or add in the weekly Friday comms if appropriate), and paste in the Email ‘Round 1 Review / Staging Site Set Up’ Template.
- Once the client gives feedback, the Project Manager will then assign the “Round 1 Client Feedback” subtask in the Customise Site: Continuation section.
- If for some reason the client doesn’t reply to any the feedback round request, the Project Manager will create a new subtask in the client comms thread and assign to the Support team (or add in the weekly Friday comms if appropriate) ‘! Client Doesn’t Provide Feedback Reminder’ Template.
- Once the client gives feedback, the Project Manager will then assign the “Round 1 Client Feedback” subtask in the Customise Site: Continuation section.
- Once Round 1 is completed by the team, the Project Manager will create a new subtask in the client comms thread and assign to the Support team (or add in the weekly Friday comms if appropriate), and paste in the Email ‘Round 2 Review Minor Review’ Template.
- Once the client gives feedback the Project Manager will then assign the “Round 2 Client Feedback” subtask in the Customise Site: Continuation section.
- If for some reason the client doesn’t reply to any the feedback round request, the Project Manager will create a new subtask in the client comms thread and assign to the Support team (or add in the weekly Friday comms if appropriate) ‘! Client Doesn’t Provide Feedback Reminder’ Template.
- Once the client gives feedback the Project Manager will then assign the “Round 2 Client Feedback” subtask in the Customise Site: Continuation section.
- Once Round 2 is completed by the team, the Project Manager will create a new subtask in the client comms thread and assign to the Support team (or add in the weekly Friday comms if appropriate), and paste in the Email ‘Round 3 Review Finishing Touches’ Template
- Once the client gives feedback the Project Manager will then assign the “Round 3 Client Feedback” subtask in the Customise Site: Continuation section.
- If for some reason the client doesn’t reply to any the feedback round request, the Project Manager will create a new subtask in the client comms thread and assign to the Support team (or add in the weekly Friday comms if appropriate) ‘! Client Doesn’t Provide Feedback Reminder’ Template.
- OPTION ONLY IF A WEBSITE REBUILD: Assign the ’Move titles and meta tags” task to the appropriate team member to ensure the on-page SEO stays intact.
- Once all feedback rounds are completed by the team, it’s time to invoice balance in preparation to make the site go live.
Phase 3 - Finalising (Weeks 5 - 8)
Operations Team (Web Build)
- At this point, the Project Manager will create a new subtask in the client comms thread and assign to the Support team the ‘Staging Site – Ready to Go Live’ Template, ensuring all relevant details are updated and that the Accounts Team are CC’d in so they invoice the balance payment.
Accounts Team
- When you get CC’d into the email that a staging site is ready to go live, invoice 50% Balance and send the Email 5 ‘Site Ready to Go Live’ Template.
Balance Payment must be made BEFORE the site goes live & LOGINS provided to the client
- Once the balance invoice is paid, alert the Project Manager in the Website Build ‘mother’ thread so they can proceed to Phase 3 below.
Operations Team (Web Build)
- One the Project Manager has been alerted by the Accounts Team that the balance invoice has been paid, assign the Site Goes Live task to the appropriate Senior Web Tech to assign out the subtasks and oversee the site migration.
- Once the site is live, the Project Manager will assign out the Site Quality Control Review task to a relevant/available team member to run a quick QA review over the new live site.
- Any QA issues will be fed back to the web team, if necessary, by simply re-assigning the Site Quality Control Review task to the appropriate team member.
- Any QA issues will be fed back to the web team, if necessary, by simply re-assigning the Site Quality Control Review task to the appropriate team member.
- Once that’s done, and the website build team have provided updated info/logins, the Project Manager will create a new subtask in the client comms thread and assign to the Support team to send the Email 6 ‘ Once Balance Paid Handover Info’ Template 6 with all the relevant live login details.
Logins can by found either in the Website Build Project thread itself, or in the Client Workspace > Project Notes > Logins)
- The Project Manager will now assign the Create Video Tutorial for Client task to the appropriate team member.
- Once done, the team member will upload to Wistia, and the link provided in the next weekly comms for the client’s future reference.
- Once done, the team member will upload to Wistia, and the link provided in the next weekly comms for the client’s future reference.
- The Project Manager will also assign the Onpage SEO x 30 task to the SEO Manager to execute, as per their systems.
- If applicable/appropriate, the Project Manager will also assign the Add Site to the MSS web build portfolio task to the appropriate team member.
- This now completes the website build Project Manager’s portion of the work. The SEO Manager is now in charge of the final stages.
Operations Team (SEO)
- The SEO Manager will assign out and supervise all the relevant onpage SEO work for this last component of the site build, including updating the client with regards to the Onpage SEO component of this project via the normal weekly comms.
SEO Phase - Offboarding
Operations Team (SEO)
- Once all the Onpage SEO work is done, the SEO Manager will use the pre-made Offboarding subtask in the client comms thread and assign to the Support team (or add in the final weekly Friday comms if appropriate) ‘Email 7 Offboarding’ Template.
- At the same time, the SEO Manager will then assign the pre-made Sales Followup subtask in the client comms thread and assign it to the appropriate Sales Team Member.
Post-Offboarding Followup
Sales Team
- Once a website build project is completed, you will be assigned a Followup task to touch base with the client 1-week after offboarding (in the comms thread in Asana)
- Once you get this, set up the client as an existing ‘Lead’ in Nutshell and follow your normal sales process.
Project Completion
Operations Team (Web Build)
- Once all work is totally completed, either the Project Manager can archive the project in Asana.
- Or if this client has other work that’s still in progress, unassign yourself from the Website Build mother thread and move the thread down to “completed”.
Great to have you onboard for a website build!
Hi XX,
Great to chat earlier and as mentioned the next step is for me to connect you with XXX in accounts who's CC'd into this email. XXX will be able to get you into the system, send over a questionnaire and outline the steps from here.
I've got your billing details down as:
1) Company name to bill
2) Billing address
3) Accounts contact name
4) Accounts contact phone and email
Then just to confirm, you’re getting a:
- Website Build which is $4,695 + GST
Note: a 50% deposit is required with the balance due when the site goes live.
So the next steps are that XXX in accounts will arrange your invoice as discussed and once payment is confirmed, we’ll let you know your official start date.
Of course, if you have any questions please let me know and I’ll do my best to either help or connect you with the correct team member.
Notes for the operations team:
- XX
- XX
Great to chat earlier and as mentioned the next step is for me to connect you with XXX in accounts who's CC'd into this email. XXX will be able to get you into the system, send over a questionnaire and outline the steps from here.
I've got your billing details down as:
1) Company name to bill
2) Billing address
3) Accounts contact name
4) Accounts contact phone and email
Then just to confirm, you’re getting a:
- Website Build which is $4,695 + GST
Note: a 50% deposit is required with the balance due when the site goes live.
So the next steps are that XXX in accounts will arrange your invoice as discussed and once payment is confirmed, we’ll let you know your official start date.
Of course, if you have any questions please let me know and I’ll do my best to either help or connect you with the correct team member.
Notes for the operations team:
- XX
- XX
Re: Great to have you onboard for a website build!
Thanks for providing your billing details; now there are some important steps which need to be taken next:
1) Shortly, you’ll receive an automatic email directly from our accounting software (Xero) with a link to your invoice (which is a 50% deposit - you'll pay the balance on completion). Click on that link to view, print and/or pay your invoice online with Visa or Mastercard. Or if you prefer, you can pay via bank transfer.
*Please note: Your deposit triggers our next steps in the process so the sooner this is paid the sooner we can schedule works.
2) To keep things moving along, while you organise payment, we need to grab other some important details. At your earliest convenience, please fill out the below questionnaire as completely as possible – the team can’t start working without it.
You can find it here:
3) Finally, please review the "Expectations" information (link below) which explains the inclusions of your package in pretty basic terms. This just ensures we'll on the same page:
Anyway, once your invoice is paid and questionnaire submitted, your Project Manager will review the details and get in touch with the next steps. In the meantime, if you have any questions, just let me know.
Thanks for providing your billing details; now there are some important steps which need to be taken next:
1) Shortly, you’ll receive an automatic email directly from our accounting software (Xero) with a link to your invoice (which is a 50% deposit - you'll pay the balance on completion). Click on that link to view, print and/or pay your invoice online with Visa or Mastercard. Or if you prefer, you can pay via bank transfer.
*Please note: Your deposit triggers our next steps in the process so the sooner this is paid the sooner we can schedule works.
2) To keep things moving along, while you organise payment, we need to grab other some important details. At your earliest convenience, please fill out the below questionnaire as completely as possible – the team can’t start working without it.
You can find it here:
3) Finally, please review the "Expectations" information (link below) which explains the inclusions of your package in pretty basic terms. This just ensures we'll on the same page:
Anyway, once your invoice is paid and questionnaire submitted, your Project Manager will review the details and get in touch with the next steps. In the meantime, if you have any questions, just let me know.
Website Build Update & Start Date | Client Name
I'm XXX, your website build Project Manager, it's nice to "e-meet" you :)
And I hope this email finds you well!
I’ve gone through your questionnaire information and am now reaching out ---- PICK ONE ---
in response to some comments within it
confirming that everything is full steam ahead:
- Existing Website?
- Check logins
- No Website? Research and make suggestions
- Have hosting or need us to host? →
$60+GST per month, or get 10% discount if paid annually upfront; which is $648+GST per year.
Hosting includes: hosting, backing up of site, updating Wordpress plugins/updates (Wordpress sites only), regular hacking and malware scanning, and recovery support.
You retain all your Wordpress logins as normal; and an independent cPanel is provided.
- Website Type Selected: insert here → Point out to team for correct theme
- Wordpress Theme provided: insert here → Point out to team for correct theme
- Logo design/re-design requested? →
You mentioned you need help with a logo, that's great! Please let us know what option you'd like to take with our Logo Design Services (this is an additional cost):
Option 1) $400 gets 6 x logo concepts, and allows for 2 revisions to get it right.
Option 2) $650 gets a fully custom logo, client spec required (colours, fonts, images, etc) and enough revisions to completely hit the mark.
- 10 Page Selection → Do they need more than 10 or special features? Organize and send quote
- Content & image/files requested? →
You mentioned you needed help with original copy for your new site, great! A typical website build client will create between 6 - 10 pages (max) for their website, so depending on how many pages you want (and need) copy for, will determine the charge out for copy. We offer high quality, original content for AU$1,800+GST for about 3,600 words (which easily covers 6 – 10 pages of content).
You mentioned you need help with images/files, glad to help! We have a Photodune account and will only charge you at cost for those - which will be between $1 - $10++ per photo, depending on the image and the size of. Here’s the link to Photodune so you can see the variety we'll be picking from (or if you want to pick them yourself, you're more than welcome): . We recommend a minimum of 1 photo per page.
- Create Shared Dropbox Folders for file sharing
- GA and GMT access granted or need to set up? → Check access/logins or setup
- All content / images / files provided in Dropbox?
---- PICK ONE -----
Please note, my team can’t start without this information, so we will await your response
With all the required information provided, we’re now moving onto theme research and will have some options for you to review soon!
Your Official Start Date will be DD MMM YYYY.
You’ll hear from us again with an update on or before the next Friday.
I'm XXX, your website build Project Manager, it's nice to "e-meet" you :)
And I hope this email finds you well!
I’ve gone through your questionnaire information and am now reaching out ---- PICK ONE ---
in response to some comments within it
confirming that everything is full steam ahead:
- Existing Website?
- Check logins
- No Website? Research and make suggestions
- Have hosting or need us to host? →
$60+GST per month, or get 10% discount if paid annually upfront; which is $648+GST per year.
Hosting includes: hosting, backing up of site, updating Wordpress plugins/updates (Wordpress sites only), regular hacking and malware scanning, and recovery support.
You retain all your Wordpress logins as normal; and an independent cPanel is provided.
- Website Type Selected: insert here → Point out to team for correct theme
- Wordpress Theme provided: insert here → Point out to team for correct theme
- Logo design/re-design requested? →
You mentioned you need help with a logo, that's great! Please let us know what option you'd like to take with our Logo Design Services (this is an additional cost):
Option 1) $400 gets 6 x logo concepts, and allows for 2 revisions to get it right.
Option 2) $650 gets a fully custom logo, client spec required (colours, fonts, images, etc) and enough revisions to completely hit the mark.
- 10 Page Selection → Do they need more than 10 or special features? Organize and send quote
- Content & image/files requested? →
You mentioned you needed help with original copy for your new site, great! A typical website build client will create between 6 - 10 pages (max) for their website, so depending on how many pages you want (and need) copy for, will determine the charge out for copy. We offer high quality, original content for AU$1,800+GST for about 3,600 words (which easily covers 6 – 10 pages of content).
You mentioned you need help with images/files, glad to help! We have a Photodune account and will only charge you at cost for those - which will be between $1 - $10++ per photo, depending on the image and the size of. Here’s the link to Photodune so you can see the variety we'll be picking from (or if you want to pick them yourself, you're more than welcome): . We recommend a minimum of 1 photo per page.
- Create Shared Dropbox Folders for file sharing
- GA and GMT access granted or need to set up? → Check access/logins or setup
- All content / images / files provided in Dropbox?
---- PICK ONE -----
Please note, my team can’t start without this information, so we will await your response
With all the required information provided, we’re now moving onto theme research and will have some options for you to review soon!
Your Official Start Date will be DD MMM YYYY.
You’ll hear from us again with an update on or before the next Friday.
Shortly, you'll receive an email notification from Dropbox, to join our new shared folder so we can transfer files easily.
Please add any content/copy you already have (that you want on the new site) in there - and either name the files with the appropriate page names (or create sub-folders with appropriate page names) so we know which page that content is meant for.
Also please ensure you notify me or every time you add new files to the folder so we're aware, thank you!
Shortly, you'll receive an email notification from Dropbox, to join our new shared folder so we can transfer files easily.
Please add any content/copy you already have (that you want on the new site) in there - and either name the files with the appropriate page names (or create sub-folders with appropriate page names) so we know which page that content is meant for.
Also please ensure you notify me or every time you add new files to the folder so we're aware, thank you!
Thanks for your patience while my team reviewed your site requirements! Okay, this is where things start to get exciting!
Firstly, we always choose themes that can (a) be customised to suit where your business is right now and (b) can expand as you grow.
Secondly, we chose the themes below based on them being customisable to match the desired look and feel you want, as well as by assessing < DELETE IF NOT APPLICABLE your competitor sites and > the sites you said you like.
That leads us to selection time! We have 3 theme suggestions for you to review:
- There are a variety of layouts (which are still customisable) for this theme you can select from:
Lastly, remember, we will be customising the theme you choose to suit you, so I just need you to pick the one you like the best!
Please let me know ASAP so we can keep everything moving forward for you!
Have a great day,
Thanks for your patience while my team reviewed your site requirements! Okay, this is where things start to get exciting!
Firstly, we always choose themes that can (a) be customised to suit where your business is right now and (b) can expand as you grow.
Secondly, we chose the themes below based on them being customisable to match the desired look and feel you want, as well as by assessing < DELETE IF NOT APPLICABLE your competitor sites and > the sites you said you like.
That leads us to selection time! We have 3 theme suggestions for you to review:
- There are a variety of layouts (which are still customisable) for this theme you can select from:
Lastly, remember, we will be customising the theme you choose to suit you, so I just need you to pick the one you like the best!
Please let me know ASAP so we can keep everything moving forward for you!
Have a great day,
I hope this email finds you well! As of today, the status of your project is:
1. Website Build, Create Staging Server - In progress
- We're currently created the staging server to house your new website as we build it. This staging server is not indexed and only accessible by you and our team.
- We'll be installing the theme you chose, doing initial customisation as well as loading in content/images that we have access to.
- We ask for your patience during this first phase as it's typically takes the longest to get things initially set up.
- We'll contact you directly once the site's ready for your first round review, stay tuned!
And that's the update for this week! And remember to reach out if you have any questions, we're here to help
I hope this email finds you well! As of today, the status of your project is:
1. Website Build, Create Staging Server - In progress
- We're currently created the staging server to house your new website as we build it. This staging server is not indexed and only accessible by you and our team.
- We'll be installing the theme you chose, doing initial customisation as well as loading in content/images that we have access to.
- We ask for your patience during this first phase as it's typically takes the longest to get things initially set up.
- We'll contact you directly once the site's ready for your first round review, stay tuned!
And that's the update for this week! And remember to reach out if you have any questions, we're here to help
Thanks for your patience while my team prepared your staging site - we've completed the initial customization and it's now ready for your first review!
Here's the staging site: ENTER STAGING SITE URL
Also, here are some notes from the team regarding this phase:
This Round 1 Review (Major changes) includes things such as changing layout, adding pages, implementing functionality items like contact forms or social sharing, etc. It's important you do this review carefully as no major changes will be implemented once we get to Round 2 review.
- Please review each page and advise if you have any questions, feedback or require any changes by return email. And to avoid confusion, please take your time and take notes, then send all your feedback for this round in a single email.
- If we don't receive any response, feedback or change requests within 7 calendar days from the date of this email, we'll finalise the customisation phase and move onto the next component.
Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise - I look forward to receiving your feedback!
Thanks for your patience while my team prepared your staging site - we've completed the initial customization and it's now ready for your first review!
Here's the staging site: ENTER STAGING SITE URL
Also, here are some notes from the team regarding this phase:
This Round 1 Review (Major changes) includes things such as changing layout, adding pages, implementing functionality items like contact forms or social sharing, etc. It's important you do this review carefully as no major changes will be implemented once we get to Round 2 review.
- Please review each page and advise if you have any questions, feedback or require any changes by return email. And to avoid confusion, please take your time and take notes, then send all your feedback for this round in a single email.
- If we don't receive any response, feedback or change requests within 7 calendar days from the date of this email, we'll finalise the customisation phase and move onto the next component.
Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise - I look forward to receiving your feedback!
Thanks for your patience while my team finished off implementing those items from the first round of changes you provided.
Your website is now ready for your Round 2 Review (Minor changes) feedback.
Here's the staging site: STAGING SITE URL
Also, here are some notes from the team regarding this phase:
*Please note that Round 2 Review (Minor changes) is for minor changes/feedback only, such as changing images, adding text, etc. No major changes (such as site layout, themes, etc.) are allowed at this point.
- Please review each page and advise if you have any questions, feedback or require any changes by return email. And to avoid confusion, please take your time and take notes, then send all your feedback for this round in a single email.
- If we don't receive any response, feedback or change requests within 7 calendar days from the date of this email, we'll finalise the customisation phase and move onto the next component.
Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise - I look forward to receiving your feedback!
Thanks for your patience while my team finished off implementing those items from the first round of changes you provided.
Your website is now ready for your Round 2 Review (Minor changes) feedback.
Here's the staging site: STAGING SITE URL
Also, here are some notes from the team regarding this phase:
*Please note that Round 2 Review (Minor changes) is for minor changes/feedback only, such as changing images, adding text, etc. No major changes (such as site layout, themes, etc.) are allowed at this point.
- Please review each page and advise if you have any questions, feedback or require any changes by return email. And to avoid confusion, please take your time and take notes, then send all your feedback for this round in a single email.
- If we don't receive any response, feedback or change requests within 7 calendar days from the date of this email, we'll finalise the customisation phase and move onto the next component.
Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise - I look forward to receiving your feedback!
Thanks for your patience while my team finished off implementing those items from the second round of changes you provided.
Your website is now ready for your Round 3 Review (Finishing Touches) feedback.
Here's the staging site: STAGING SITE URL
Also, here are some notes from the team regarding this phase:
*Please note that Round 3 Review (Finishing Touches) is for simple last-minute changes/feedback only, such as changing correcting typos or spelling. No major or minor changes are allowed at this point. This is the last round of feedback for customisation.
- Please take your time with this review -- no further changes will be made (as part of your website build) after this round is closed off.
- Please review each page and advise if you have any questions, feedback or require any changes by return email. And to avoid confusion, please take your time and take notes, then send all your feedback for this round in a single email.
- If we don't receive any response, feedback or change requests within 7 calendar days from the date of this email, we'll finalise the customisation phase, make your site live, and move onto the SEO component.
Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise - I look forward to receiving your feedback!
Thanks for your patience while my team finished off implementing those items from the second round of changes you provided.
Your website is now ready for your Round 3 Review (Finishing Touches) feedback.
Here's the staging site: STAGING SITE URL
Also, here are some notes from the team regarding this phase:
*Please note that Round 3 Review (Finishing Touches) is for simple last-minute changes/feedback only, such as changing correcting typos or spelling. No major or minor changes are allowed at this point. This is the last round of feedback for customisation.
- Please take your time with this review -- no further changes will be made (as part of your website build) after this round is closed off.
- Please review each page and advise if you have any questions, feedback or require any changes by return email. And to avoid confusion, please take your time and take notes, then send all your feedback for this round in a single email.
- If we don't receive any response, feedback or change requests within 7 calendar days from the date of this email, we'll finalise the customisation phase, make your site live, and move onto the SEO component.
Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise - I look forward to receiving your feedback!
Hi ,
We previously emailed requesting for your feedback for < INSERT ROUND 1, ROUND 2, or ROUND 3 > for your website build, and haven't heard anything back from you. I just wanted to make sure you knew that we're waiting for you in order to proceed.
Please let me know if you have any questions, or what your feedback is, so we can keep your project moving forward, thank you!
We previously emailed requesting for your feedback for < INSERT ROUND 1, ROUND 2, or ROUND 3 > for your website build, and haven't heard anything back from you. I just wanted to make sure you knew that we're waiting for you in order to proceed.
Please let me know if you have any questions, or what your feedback is, so we can keep your project moving forward, thank you!
Thanks for your patience while we worked on those final edits for you! We've completed the final customization and your site is now ready to go live!
*Please note, all our customization work is now complete. If there are additional edits you want to make (that are not errors made by our team), you will be able to make those edits yourself after we provide your ownership details (logins) and/or you can engage us further for website maintenance assistance. I can connect you with your Project Manager to chat more if you'll require help with managing your site.
Once live, we'll perform the onpage SEO component, which will then complete the project.
But before the site can go live, we'll need you to please settle your account balance. I have CC'd in accounts to this email, who will issue out your final invoice.
Once that's paid, we'll make the site live, finish off the SEO, and provide all your ownership details (logins).
While you're organising your balance invoice payment, please review the below and advise ASAP:
- Please confirm the email address you would like used for your website's contact / appointment form(s). If you have multiple forms, please ensure you clarify if you need different email addresses for different forms.
- Please provide us with your hosting details (logins/FTP) so we can move the site over to your hosting account once ready.
- If you're opting to use the free 6-month hosting that comes with your website build instead of using your own, simply let us know.
- Either way, please provide us with your domain name registrar details - and we'll get that set up for you :)
- Where are your emails ( hosted? It's important to provide this information to ensure we know whether we need to move your MX records & migrate your email address/es.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, thank you!
Have a great day,
Thanks for your patience while we worked on those final edits for you! We've completed the final customization and your site is now ready to go live!
*Please note, all our customization work is now complete. If there are additional edits you want to make (that are not errors made by our team), you will be able to make those edits yourself after we provide your ownership details (logins) and/or you can engage us further for website maintenance assistance. I can connect you with your Project Manager to chat more if you'll require help with managing your site.
Once live, we'll perform the onpage SEO component, which will then complete the project.
But before the site can go live, we'll need you to please settle your account balance. I have CC'd in accounts to this email, who will issue out your final invoice.
Once that's paid, we'll make the site live, finish off the SEO, and provide all your ownership details (logins).
While you're organising your balance invoice payment, please review the below and advise ASAP:
- Please confirm the email address you would like used for your website's contact / appointment form(s). If you have multiple forms, please ensure you clarify if you need different email addresses for different forms.
- Please provide us with your hosting details (logins/FTP) so we can move the site over to your hosting account once ready.
- If you're opting to use the free 6-month hosting that comes with your website build instead of using your own, simply let us know.
- Either way, please provide us with your domain name registrar details - and we'll get that set up for you :)
- Where are your emails ( hosted? It's important to provide this information to ensure we know whether we need to move your MX records & migrate your email address/es.
Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, thank you!
Have a great day,
It looks like our team is ready to make your website "live"! Once the site goes live, we'll be able to provide all your logins, and perform the onpage SEO, which will then complete the project.
But before we can make your site live and provide your ‘handover’ information (eg. your ownership logins), we'll need you to please settle your account balance.
Shortly, you’ll receive an automatic email directly from our accounting software (Xero) with a link to pay the remaining balance of your project (50%).
Click on that link to view, print and/or pay your invoice online with Visa or Mastercard. Or if you prefer, you can pay via bank transfer.
It looks like our team is ready to make your website "live"! Once the site goes live, we'll be able to provide all your logins, and perform the onpage SEO, which will then complete the project.
But before we can make your site live and provide your ‘handover’ information (eg. your ownership logins), we'll need you to please settle your account balance.
Shortly, you’ll receive an automatic email directly from our accounting software (Xero) with a link to pay the remaining balance of your project (50%).
Click on that link to view, print and/or pay your invoice online with Visa or Mastercard. Or if you prefer, you can pay via bank transfer.
Well, it looks like your amazing new website is up and running (it looks fantastic by the way)!
And thanks for providing your balance payment, you'll find the 'handover' information for your site below - please keep this information in a safe place for future reference:
- Website URL:
- Admin Login URL:
- Admin Login User Name:
- Admin Login Password:
Video Training and Info:
We've installed the Wordpress User Manual plugin for your reference, which can be accessed by logging into your site, going to the left navigation
Manual videos
Video tutorials by the theme creator:
Your site has been built on "The Udesign Theme", documentation can be found on their theme file folder on themeforest-253220-udesign-responsive-wordpress-theme > U-Design-WP-Theme > Documentation > index.html
In order to embed a single Youtube video or a playlist use these tutorials:
– Please refer to the attached pdf
Important Theme License/Account Information:
We purchased your theme, using the generic Gmail email (below). Please log in using the below credentials then click on Edit Details and update the account to your correct email:
Using the above login details, the original files & license information for your theme can be found here:
Lastly, we set up a generic Gmail account to set up the Envato account and to purchase your theme, please update/delete the account if you choose. Here are the details:
Now that your site is live, the team have progressed to the Onpage SEO component of your project (which is the last phase), and we'll update you directly via the normal weekly comms as usual until we've finished our work.
Well, it looks like your amazing new website is up and running (it looks fantastic by the way)!
And thanks for providing your balance payment, you'll find the 'handover' information for your site below - please keep this information in a safe place for future reference:
- Website URL:
- Admin Login URL:
- Admin Login User Name:
- Admin Login Password:
Video Training and Info:
We've installed the Wordpress User Manual plugin for your reference, which can be accessed by logging into your site, going to the left navigation
Manual videos
Video tutorials by the theme creator:
Your site has been built on "The Udesign Theme", documentation can be found on their theme file folder on themeforest-253220-udesign-responsive-wordpress-theme > U-Design-WP-Theme > Documentation > index.html
In order to embed a single Youtube video or a playlist use these tutorials:
– Please refer to the attached pdf
Important Theme License/Account Information:
We purchased your theme, using the generic Gmail email (below). Please log in using the below credentials then click on Edit Details and update the account to your correct email:
Using the above login details, the original files & license information for your theme can be found here:
Lastly, we set up a generic Gmail account to set up the Envato account and to purchase your theme, please update/delete the account if you choose. Here are the details:
Now that your site is live, the team have progressed to the Onpage SEO component of your project (which is the last phase), and we'll update you directly via the normal weekly comms as usual until we've finished our work.
Well, it looks like our work is done and your awesome new website is up and running and ready to take on the world!
And here's a short message from our founder David about your new site:
Please do let me know if you need further assistance and I’ll get your Project Manager to touch base with you.
I’d like to take this opportunity to say “Thank You” again for choosing Melbourne SEO and Video! And because we value our client’s feedback so much, would you mind taking the time to tell us a little bit about your experience?
1. What was the best thing about working with Melbourne SEO and Video?
2. What could we improve upon?
3. Is there anything else we can do for you before we part ways?
Don’t forget, we’re always here for you! So if you’d like to learn more about how we can help, just let me know and we’ll organise a time for a quick chat!
Once again, thanks...and on behalf of the entire team here, we wish you the very best in all your future endeavours!
Well, it looks like our work is done and your awesome new website is up and running and ready to take on the world!
And here's a short message from our founder David about your new site:
Please do let me know if you need further assistance and I’ll get your Project Manager to touch base with you.
I’d like to take this opportunity to say “Thank You” again for choosing Melbourne SEO and Video! And because we value our client’s feedback so much, would you mind taking the time to tell us a little bit about your experience?
1. What was the best thing about working with Melbourne SEO and Video?
2. What could we improve upon?
3. Is there anything else we can do for you before we part ways?
Don’t forget, we’re always here for you! So if you’d like to learn more about how we can help, just let me know and we’ll organise a time for a quick chat!
Once again, thanks...and on behalf of the entire team here, we wish you the very best in all your future endeavours!