Henry Reith | How to syndicate mass content around the web overall process

This document documents the overall process to syndicate mass content around the web. You’ve got to all the effort to create your content, now have a virtual assistant share it far and wide.

System Architect: Henry Reith
Website: www.henryreith.co
Generated as part of the www.BusinessSystemsSummit.com

System Details

Step 1: Review the written article.

  • Suggestion! Use Microsoft Word files to easily upload your content to WordPress.
  • Check the article is formatted correctly using this quick checklist:
    • Title
    • Headings
    • Bold, Italic, Underlining Text
    • Text Color
    • Quote Formatting
    • Links
    • Number or Bullet Point Lists
    • Image links
    • Content and structure must be easy to read.

Step 2: Upload the written article to WordPress.

  • Use a project management tool such as Asana (alternatives are Teamwork, Trello, Basecamp) to create a master template with the steps for marketing your content. Duplicate that master template for every new article you want to market.
  • Update the task template for the article with all the below information:
    • Link to the word document
    • Links to thumbnails and featured featured images
    • Titles to use (article, featured image, etc.)
    • Article category and tags
    • Slug (URL)
    • Focus keyword 
    • Author
    • Publish date
      • Suggestion! Use DropBox or Google Drive to store the documents and just share the link to the corresponding folder in the task.
  • Assign the task to your Virtual Assistant to upload the article to WordPress and schedule a due date.

Step 3: Schedule Social Media sharing.

Step 4. Publish the article in WordPress.

Step 5: Schedule SEO check-up dates.

  • Schedule dates to check your articles SEO ranking and make changes and adjustments if needed to improve SEO.

