This document documents the overall process to syndicate mass content around the web. You’ve got to all the effort to create your content, now have a virtual assistant share it far and wide.
System Architect: Henry Reith
Generated as part of the
Step 1: Review the written article.
- Suggestion! Use Microsoft Word files to easily upload your content to WordPress.
- Check the article is formatted correctly using this quick checklist:
- Title
- Headings
- Bold, Italic, Underlining Text
- Text Color
- Quote Formatting
- Links
- Number or Bullet Point Lists
- Image links
- Content and structure must be easy to read.
Step 2: Upload the written article to WordPress.
- Use a project management tool such as Asana (alternatives are Teamwork, Trello, Basecamp) to create a master template with the steps for marketing your content. Duplicate that master template for every new article you want to market.
- Update the task template for the article with all the below information:
- Link to the word document
- Links to thumbnails and featured featured images
- Titles to use (article, featured image, etc.)
- Article category and tags
- Slug (URL)
- Focus keyword
- Author
- Publish date
- Suggestion! Use DropBox or Google Drive to store the documents and just share the link to the corresponding folder in the task.
- Link to the word document
- Assign the task to your Virtual Assistant to upload the article to WordPress and schedule a due date.
- Use the following process to add content to WordPress – click here.
- Use the following process to optimise and upload featured image and in-content images WordPress -click here .
- Save the article in Wordpress as a draft once it’s been uploaded.
- Use the following process to add content to WordPress – click here.
Step 3: Schedule Social Media sharing.
- Use a spreadsheet to create a schedule for Social Media sharing of the article.
- Suggestion! Use system like Hootsuite or a plugin like NextScripts to automate the sharing process.
- Use the following proces to schedule Social Media sharing using NextScripts – click here.
- Suggestion! Use system like Hootsuite or a plugin like NextScripts to automate the sharing process.
Step 4. Publish the article in WordPress.
- Conduct a final quality check of the article before publishing.
- Use the following process to schedule and publish the article in WordPress – click here.
Step 5: Schedule SEO check-up dates.
- Schedule dates to check your articles SEO ranking and make changes and adjustments if needed to improve SEO.