Henry Reith | How To Publish An Article In WordPress

This is the process for publishing a full article, including multimedia & unique social media status, to a Wordpress website. The article will appear in the main article feed of the website. This process is made up of four main steps that are:

  • Adding the content to the WordPress post editor, that also has subtasks of:
    • Adding the article text to the post editor
    • Compressing the file size of images & adding them to the article
    • Adding video & any other embeds to the article
    • Adding Featured Image to the post
  • Adding article metadata including author info, tags & categories
  • Adding social media status
  • Scheduling the post to be published

System Architect: Henry Reith
Website: www.henryreith.co
Generated as part of the www.BusinessSystemsSummit.com

System Details

What You Will Need:

  • Word Document that has the article in it
  • Links to an image so you can create a featured image
  • Social Media Status

Step-by-step Process:

1. First, download the Word document containing the article from the project management system & open the document.

2. Follow this guide to copy all of the text & media content from the word document to the WordPress editor – click here to see the system.

3. After adding all of the content, click the ‘save as draft’ button (top right). This will save your work so far.

4. Create and add a Featured Image to the post – watch video in video section below.

5.  Upload the final Photoshop file to the Fridge folder system (you will have a link to the file inside the Asana task description) – watch video in video section below.

6. Next, change the author of the post to the person named in the project management system. E.g. In the project management system it says the author of the post is ‘Henry Reith’ Change the author of the post in WordPress to ‘Henry Reith – watch video in video section below.

7. Change the ‘Slug’ (URL) of the post – watch video in video section below.

8. Change the category of the post to the category shown in the project management system – watch video in video section below.

9. Add the tags of the post to the tags shown in the project management system – watch video in video section below.

10. Add the ‘Focus Keyword’ to the Yoast SEO box – watch video in video section below.

11. Add the Easy Social Media Buttons – Twitter initial share count – watch video in video section below.

12. Click the ‘save as draft’ button (top right). This will save your work so far.

13. Add all the custom media status to the post. Follow this guide for adding social media status – click here.

14. Save as draft button (top right). This will save your work so far.

15. Now, either schedule the post to go out on the date shown in the project management system, or publish the post instantly if directed to in the project management system.


Publishing a Wordpress post full process
Create and add a Featured Image to the post
Upload the final Photoshop file to the Fridge folder
Change the author of the post
Change the ‘Slug’ (URL) of the post
Change the category of the post
 Add the tags of the post
Add focus keyword to post
Set initial twitter share count
